Monday, September 30, 2013

Photography & Decor

It's amazing how beautiful your house can be with some frames, pictures and creativity.
So i
f you like photography & decor but you don't know how to put a frame on the wall, you should have a look at some great ideas that we've separated on our Pinterest Page.

Let's shoot and decorate like a pro!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

5 Video Production Tips

We separated for you #5 great tips of video production. Check it out!

1# - Get close to your subject
We know you can zoom into a shot but it's not the same thing. The visual perspective is different, and so is the sound. You take better shots when you are closer to the subject and the sound will be much clearer.

2# Film scenes using more than just one shot
It's usually best to film a scene using multiple shots, giving different perspectives to what's being viewed, but don't overdo it.  Decide on the style of shots that you will use, and be consistent unless there's a reason to change. 

3# Use an external microphone
If you can't get close enough to what you're taping, or you're in a noisy environment, then using a microphone that's remote from the camera really helps get a much better sound.

4# Use a tripod
If you're filming something that needs a steady shot, then you need a tripod (or place the camera on a stable object). It's very distracting to watch something like someone speaking at a presentation, if the camera is wobbling all over the place as if it were being filmed during an earthquake. 

5# Edit and be ruthless with ShotClip
Editing means putting together just the shots that you need.
You should remove anything that doesn't belong to your video (mistakes, lots of waiting around for something to happen, boring pauses between things, etc.).

PS - Be careful, you can't fix filming errors with editing, you're stuck with them, so if you make a mistake while filming, re-do the shot straight away.