Thursday, August 25, 2011

Disposable cameras - yes or no?

I recently went to a wedding and every table had a couple of disposable cameras. It’s quite a common thing to see at weddings these days. I guess you get lots more pictures and there’s a good chance you’ll get at least one picture of each guest. Another benefit is the fun moments you get at each table which the wedding photographer might not normally get.

But are disposable cameras really worth it? For one they’re quite an expense for what you’re getting. It is possible to get disposable cameras quite cheap now. I have seen some for2, which isn't a lot. So if you had 10 tables, 2 cameras on each table costing 2 each - 40 isn't a lot of money but thats if you get disposable cameras at the lowest possible price.
However, when you go to develop all these cameras that’s when it gets expensive. It’s still very expensive to develop disposable cameras. For years I refused to buy a digital camera because I believed that when you had a digital camera you never got photo’s developed. Then the price of developing disposable cameras got to me. The most annoying thing was, that you still had to pay for the blacked out photos, the photos with fingers in from of the lens and so on! After a wedding you could have 20 cameras to develop but might only get a handful of decent photos worth looking at! This of course isn’t down to your guests’ bad photography skills but more alcohol and tomfoolery related! At least with digital you know what you’re getting before you hand over your hard earned cash. 

So what’s the best thing to do? Everyone has a digital camera nowadays. Everyone at your wedding will be taking photos and video clips. Make use of this material! Get all your friends together, write an email or a letter and ask for any good pictures they may have. What better way to get the unprecedented moments of your wedding while saving a few pennies for something else?

Have you ever asked your guests for their photo’s and video clips? 

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